COVID-19 Accreditation is now open!

Kilpailuun osallistuvien kilpailijoiden, tiimien edustajien, WRC-promoottorin, FIA:n ja median edustajien sekä Rally Finland -organisaation HD-alueelle menevien osallistujien COVID-19 -akkreditointi on alkanut!

Persons entering Rally Finland as competitors, team members, WRC or FIA personel and media representatives as well as HD accredited Rally Finland organisation members must complete COVID-19 accreditation.

This accreditation MUST be completed personally and MUST be done latest on September 13th at 18.00 (17.00 CET)

More info and links to the accreditation here:

Questions and more info from

COVID Manager Saku Jokisalo

+358 40 564 0928

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